shiohh.. realy2 making my heart thumping very hot.. had a fight with my auntie. just bcoz of the kaaba. bad luck. my adek said 'fly in the kaabah'means people are flying in the kaabah but i said menjelajah kaabah. then my auntie masok cmpow mdh ada antu ka lam kaaba? that makes my heart thumps even hotter but i let it. then again my adek said yes then i said u idiot to my adek then my auntie was misunderstood, she though the i said u idiot to her but act i said it to my adek. the my auntie terasa and said, yes, nang kmk tok bodo. then my head explodes n something crazy happens to me. i've gone nuts. i throw my hp in front of her and she quickly run rambling into the kitchen. they know that im not a 'level-headed person' but when she said like kmk tok nang bodo it makes me really angry(i know im angry just bcoz of this stupid thingy) but i just cant stand when people said like that n my heart explodes again! i throw my pencilbox! my lappy! my books! urghhh~ i threw my hp 1 times =.=" stupid! gahh! i know im also idiot but y'know me. i hate it when other people menyampuk n terasa and insult me. URGHH! SHIT!! taukla ku x ptt manas just bcoz of this stupid things but why i feels like that my mind just explode huh? stress ka? heizz.. yes. ku tauk la bnda gya nang suroh ku x thn walaupun prkara kck. kali aku tok terlalu x siuman kali or toooooooooooooooooooooo not perfect. or xda perfect trus la. okk~~~ hahaha.. bcoz im nuts! just said im crazy! ok! im jerk! n now! things that makes me gone madder than ever is! sumbody using a private number sayin im a LESBO! IM NOT LESBO BITCH OR GIGOLO! ehhh! skati laa nk mdh les ka apa. sak kau nanggong dosa ku~ gyksaa! BYE!
mistakes, not hp 1 times. 10 times